MHRF is involved in all facets of research and development related to protecting our nation’s warriors. Additionally, we manage projects for research grants to study the effects of various threats to soldiers in a particular area. Novel developments and ground-breaking discoveries occur each and every day. MHRF works very diligently to stay abreast of such dynamic advances and has spent the last decade forming strategic relationships with investigators across multiple communities who are studying health-related concerns. This has allowed for the development of a broad portfolio of interests, yet the desire is to continue to expand this portfolio. Below are some of our current research initiatives.

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Detector

Advanced Development & Commercialization of the Cardiovascular Sonospectrographic Analyzer (CSA) – now known as the Coronary Artery Disease Detector (CAD-det) System.

Novel Interventions of Non-Compressible Torso Hemorrhage (NINTH)

MHRF will partner with the developers of a disposable medical device that eliminates many of the problems with the traditional diagnosis and emergent treatment of TP.

The Vascular Shunt

The MHRF is supporting a second advanced development strategy to control hemorrhage and resuscitate the injured warfighter.


Endovascular Perfusion Augmentation for Critical Care (EPACC)

The MHRF is partnering with researchers from the 60th Clinical Investigation Program (CIP) at Travis AFB, the University of California …

Endovascular Variable Aortic Control Device

The MHRF is partnering with the 60th Clinical Investigation Program (CIP) at Travis AFB to design and develop new endovascular variable aortic control (EVAC) devices.

Oxygen Carrying Compound

Collaborating with the Oregon Health and Science Institute and the Office of Naval Research to evaluate improved, alternative resuscitation fluids.


Advanced Development & Commercialization of the Cardiovascular Sonospectrographic Analyzer (CSA) – now known as the Coronary Artery Disease Detector (CAD-det) System.

Intercavitary Noncompressible Diagnostic Image & Application (INDIA)

The purpose of this project is to establish high-fidelity, real-time imaging …


Injuries on the battlefield often result in life-threatening airway or breathing problems, which can manifest immediately at the point of injury or in a delayed fashion.

FastBreak Needle

The Seldinger technique is a well-established catheter insertion method that relies on insertion of a guidewire through a needle once that …

Donaldson Decompression Needle

Tension Pneumothorax (TP) is the second leading cause (33%) of potentially preventable combat deaths and constitutes 5% of all fatal military injuries.


Collaborating with the Oregon Health and Science Institute and the Office of Naval Research to evaluate improved, alternative resuscitation fluids.

TBI Mobile

Injuries on the battlefield often result in life-threatening airway or breathing problems, which can manifest immediately at the point of injury or in a delayed fashion.


Advanced Development & Commercialization of the Cardiovascular Sonospectrographic Analyzer (CSA) – now known as the Coronary Artery Disease Detector (CAD-det) System.