Endovascular Perfusion Augmentation for Critical Care (EPACC)
The MHRF is partnering with researchers from the 60th Clinical Investigation Program (CIP) at Travis AFB, the University of California Davis, Wake Forrest University, and the Navel Medical Research Unit in San Antonio to design, develop, and test a new endovascular perfusion augmentation critical care system. To date, the 60th CIP has successfully completed 2 proof-of-concept studies to establish the clinical utility of variable aortic control of hemorrhagic shock. This disruptive technology will have multiple applications far forward with lightly equipped US military teams providing field care, during aeromedical evacuation, to civilian trauma and emergency situations, and for the management of septic shock. The utilization of EPACC will allow prolonged stabilization of soldiers and patients across multiple resource and environmental settings, and not be dependent upon provider skill level.